It has now been one week a go on April 17th that I gave birth to our beautiful, healthy baby girl Paige. She came into this world at 6:10 in the morning weighing 6 pounds 7 ounces, and measuring 19 inches long!
I was actually scheduled to be induced Friday the 17th in the evening and Paige decided she wanted to come naturally instead :). I took Thursday off of work because I became so uncomfortable I could not even stand for very long, and was extremely exhausted. Morgan had also taken the night off of work to be with me, and to get some sleep before the induction the next day. Thursday night I was just getting ready for bed and had laid down to watch a little TV before going to sleep. All of a sudden I felt the baby punch me and... my water broke! I quickly jumped up in a panic and started saying, "we need to go to the hospital, my water just broke!" Morgan got ready faster than I knew any person could get ready, and in about two minutes we were out the door. My contractions started almost immediately and from the beginning to her birth it was about 6 hours! Morgan was so amazing through the whole process. He was such a great support, and I don't know if I could have done it without him! Right after Paige was born I got to hold her for a second before they whisked her away to the NICU. She was having a hard time transitioning and breathing, so they put her on a ventilator and some monitors for about two hours. Luckily Morgan got to with her so I wasn't as worried. After about an hour and half I finally got to go up there and see her, and then we went to the nursery where they gave her a bath and her shots. Right before we left the hospital Paige had her Billiruben levels checked for jaundice and she was measuring really high so we had to go back the next day and have them checked again. After they were measuring high again her Dr. decided to put her on a UV bed. It is really sad to see her on it, but luckily they brought the bed straight to our house! Today her levels have dropped quite drastically so hopefully she can go off of the bed!
Being a mother has truly changed me and my outlook on life. I absolutely love her so much and am excited to watch her grow and change! Life is great!!